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Made New (Message Series)

Water baptism is our first opportunity after we are born again -- a made-new human person -- to act in obedience to God’s commands. It boldly proclaims to the culture, “I don’t belong to you, I belong to Christ.” It is an outward expression of an inward conversion that is foundational to every believer’s walk with the Lord.
$30.00 $15.00

There's a Ghost in the House (2 DVDs, 2 CDs)

Which spiritual gifts does the Holy Spirit intend for you?
$40.00 $10.00

There's a Ghost in the House (Digital Download)

Which spiritual gifts does the Holy Spirit intend for you?
$40.00 $30.00

God Is For You (DVD/CD)

God is For You This two-message, four-disc teaching set will help you walk with a new light — and new hope! Messages include: "God is For You" and "Gift in the House".

Revelation: Debunking the Myth

"Revelation: Debunking the Myth" − a series with teaching on 4 DVDs covering every verse of Revelation, Pastor Parsley's personal and complete study notes in a companion Study Guide on the entire book of Revelation, and a bonus CD of Pastor Parsley reading the book of Revelation so you can receive the blessing it promises!
$100.00 $50.00

Personal Power Pack

This bundle includes the Living Legacy Bible and Loose the Lion DVD
$180.00 $54.00

This I Believe 4-Disc Teaching Series

The Cross, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, The Absolute Truth of the Bible ... THIS I BELIEVE!
$90.00 $20.00

Gog of Magog: Final Four Prophetic Battles

The stage is set geopolitically for the great battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39 — the battle of Gog of Magog.
$120.00 $40.00

Dreams & Visions (10 DVD Set)

A Pathway to Learning to Speak the Language of Heaven